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Piloti, Che Gente by Enzo Ferrari and Other Presentation Books

Publicado por Alex Balestrieri en

Enzo Ferrari authored several books over his career. These books were, but for rare exceptions, never sold through retail outlets, but rather gifted or "presented" to friends and associates of Ferrari.

Though the book "Piloti, Che Gente" was actually one of those rare exceptions and was indeed sold in retail outlets throughout the world and even translated and issued in several English editions, this particular copy was presented by Enzo Ferrari to a prominent Ferrari Club of America official at the time. This particular copy is the Revised & Extended Third Edition, it is also the Second Italian Edition from December of 1985.

Please note: We welcome feedback and or corrections to the information on this post as records are sketchy at best.

Piloti, Che Gente known early editions:

  • First Edition: Italian, November 1983, limited to 2500 "Presentation" copies. "Fuori commercio" (Not sold commercially).
  • Second Edition: English, September 1984, 2500 copies limited circulation. It is possible that this edition, though limited, was commercially available for purchase, maybe through Ferrari Parts & Accessories.
  • Third Edition: 2nd Italian Revised & Extended, December 1985. No mention of print quantity (probably another 2500). Used as a presentation book, but likely also available for purchase through Ferrari Parts & Accessories.
  • Fourth Edition: Labeled as "First English Edition", this is actually the 2nd English Revised & Extended, June 1987.
  • Fifth Edition: Italian. Since the edition above was referred to as "First English", this fifth edition was published as the Fourth Edition, December 1987.
  • 6th Edition: Italian. Following the same confusing count as above, this was published as the Fifth Edition, November 1989.

Likely, the discrepancies in edition numbers originates from the fact that the earliest printings were not commercially available for sale.


Below: Piloti, Che Gente, Revised & Extended 3rd Edition (2nd Italian)
Presentation gift by Enzo Ferrari, with card: "molti auguri" ("best wishes")

 Piloti, Che Gente, Revised & Extended 3rd Edition (2nd Italian)

Piloti, Che Gente, Revised & Extended 3rd Edition (2nd Italian) with Enzo Ferrari  signature autograph

Piloti, Che Gente, Revised & Extended 3rd Edition (2nd Italian)

Piloti, Che Gente, Revised & Extended 3rd Edition (2nd Italian)

Piloti, Che Gente, Revised & Extended 3rd Edition (2nd Italian)

Piloti, Che Gente, Revised & Extended 3rd Edition (2nd Italian)

Below: Piloti, Che Gente, Original Italian Edition and Piloti, Che Gente, 2nd Edition (1st English) - Both editions have an identical cover design.

Piloti, Che Gente, Original Italian Edition and 2nd Edition (1st English)

Below: Piloti, Che Gente, Revised & Extended 4th Edition (2nd English)

Piloti, Che Gente, Revised & Extended 4th Edition (2nd English)


Other Books by Enzo Ferrari

Known publications:

  • 1962-1966 6 editions - "Le Mie Gioie Terribili" - My Terrible Joys: This was published in a variety of languages and revised editions over the years. We believe the book was generally available commercially although very early editions may be rare and sough-after. Later editions may have been published with a variety of names such as "The Enzo Ferrari Memoirs" and "The Enzo Ferrari Story, an Autobiography", and others.
  • 1970 2 editions - "Le Briglie del Successo" - This is the retitled and revised 7th edition of the 1962 book - There is no reference that this was a limited edition or not for commercial release, however, few copies of this edition are in circulation and it is considered a highly desirable and sought-after edition.
  • 1974 - "Ferrari" - Better known as "The Big Red Book", this is yet again a retitled and revised edition of the 1962 and 1970 books. This edition was published as a Limited and Numbered Edition, not commercially available; no reference is made as to the quantity, nor does it appear that any numbering was assigned to the books. Few copies of this edition are in circulation and it is considered a highly desirable and sought-after edition.
  • 1976 - "Il Flobert" - Possibly the rarest of Enzo Ferrari's  Presentation Books, printed in a limited edition of only 1000 copies, never reprinted, never sold commercially. Very unusual book as the cover is made of Cork. "Anecdotes and recollections of friends, press representatives and other celebrities met, maybe just once, but who left a lasting impression on the author."
  • 1980-1981 3 editions - "Ferrari 80" - Another Presentation book, printed in 3 editions limited to 2500 each and again, not commercially sold. Somewhat rare and desirable, but probably not at the top of the list. We believe only Italian editions were printed of this book.
  • 1983-1989 6 editions (?) - "Piloti, Che Gente - Several editions were produced, both in Italian and English, but each was limited to 2500; so there is reasonable rarity and desirability for each of these editions. See more details at the top of this post
  • 1998 - "Una Vita Per l'Automobile" - Stupendous autobiographical book in Italian and in English. Compiled after Enzo Ferrari's death but from his own words. "Here as we celebrate the centenary of his birth, his are the words of commentary and explanation on the photograph album that records his life, as a child, as a young racing driver, as a manager and finally asa constructor. Every word is Enzo Ferrari's own, taken from his books, his personal papers and the entries in the diaries he kept so religiously, day after day, year after year troughout his life."


Below: "Le Mie Gioie Terribili" - My Terrible Joys - Sampling of various different editions - Also published as "The Enzo Ferrari Story" and "The Enzo Ferrari Memoirs"

Le Mie Gioie Terribili - My Terrible Joys by Enzo Ferrari

Le Mie Gioie Terribili - My Terrible Joys by Enzo Ferrari

Le Mie Gioie Terribili - My Terrible Joys by Enzo Ferrari


Le Mie Gioie Terribili - My Terrible Joys by Enzo Ferrari

Below: Le Briglie del Successo

Le Briglie del Successo by Enzo Ferrari

Below: Ferrari - The Big Red Book

Ferrari "Big Red Book" by Enzo Ferrari

Below: Il Flobert

Il Flobert by Enzo Ferrari - First Ed - Ltd Ed Of 1,000

Below: Ferrari 80

Ferrari 80 by Enzo Ferrari

Below: Una Vita Per l'Automobile

Una Vita Per l'Automobile by Enzo Ferrari




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